I purchased the rear end from Saleen (a 1990 Mustang
'take-out'). I had narrowed
it about 3" on one side to match the original Ranger axle
width (using the original 8"
rear end axles) and drove it several years like that. It
had 3.00 gears and a Traction-
Lok carrier. For this latest mod I have narrowed it quite a
bit more and ordered
custom Mosler axles to fit. I built a jig for narrowing, it
consists of a 1.5" solid steel rod
long enough to pass completely through the rear end housing and
four aluminum
bushings I turned on a lathe to fit the carrier and axle bearings
and slip fit the 1.5" rod.
I welded all the suspension brackets in place and then chopped
out the desired
amount of axle tubing and re-welded the ends on with the jig in
place. Works great!
I also installed Ford Motorsports 4.10 gears with the original
Traction-Lok carrier.