I've started re-installing (and finishing) my aluminum interior
& building an
aluminum dash. Dash is built, but
I'm going to cover it in black leather before
installation. I made removable
plates to mount gauges in, with nutplates in
the dash.

I decided to change to Kirkey aluminum
seats as I can sit a little lower and get some
needed head clearance from the roll cage.
I cut out the original floor, tunnel and
firewall because I wanted lots of room
around the bellhousing and transmission.
Also do to the location of the rear end
in relation to the body, the drive shaft
got a little close to the floor. I have built a
new firewall out of steel with a section
in the middle moved aft about 2" and wide
enough to clear the valve covers of a
460 in case I get tired of the small block.
I built a framework out of 1"
square steel tubing to mount the new poly bucket seats.
The rest of the floor is fabricated from
.050" aluminum and the tunnel is .040" aluminum.
I have decided to build a new dash from
aluminum as well. One of the
shows my mod to the cowl box that accommodates a Mustang clutch